List of Synonyms-2 101 to 200
Some Very Useful Synonyms of English Language
List of 101 to 200 Synonyms
101. eatable - edible
102. elevate - raise
103. end - terminate
104. enjoy - delight
105. enormous - huge
106. enquire - investigate
107. evaluate - assess
108. evil - bad
109. exactly - precisely
110. except - apart From
111. exit - leave
112. exorbitant - excessive
113. explain - define
114. extra - additional
115. fair - honest
116. fair - unbiased
117. fall - topple
118. false - deceptive
119. false - untrue
120. famous - eminent
121. famous - renowned
122. fantastic - great
123. fast - quick
124. fast - swiftly
125. fat - plump
126. fear - anxiety
127. fertile - fruitful
128. finish - complete
129. fly - soar
130. formerly - previously
131. fortunate - lucky
132. fun - entertaining
133. function -operate
134. funny - amusing
135. funny - comic
136. garbage - trash
137. garner - collect
138. gay - cheerful
139. get - acquire
140. get - receive
141. glad - happy
142. glitter - sparkle
143. go - move
144. good - beneficial
145. good - fine
146. grab - seize
147. great - grand
148. gross - outrageous
149. gruesome - frightful
150. grumble - grouse
151. hall - corridor
152. handsome - good looking
153. happily - fortunately
154. happy - cheerful
155. hard - difficult
156. hate - dislike
157. have - contain
158. hazard - danger
159. help - assist
160. hide - conceal
161. high - tall
162. hint - tip
163. huge - enormous
164. hurry - rush
165. hurt - injure
166. hurt - wound
167. idea - opinion
168. ignore - snub
169. ill - sick
170. imitate - mimic
171. immediate - instantly
172. impact - affect
173. impartial - neutral
174. important - significant
175. inconsiderate - thoughtless
176. infamous - notorious
177. infect - contaminate
178. informal - casual
179. innocent - harmless
180. inspect - examine
181. instructions - directions
182. insufficient - inadequate
183. intellectual - mental
184. intelligent - smart
185. intelligent - clever
186. intend - mean
187. interesting appealing
188. inventory - stock
189. invoice - bill
190. jealous - envious
191. job - work
192. joy - delight
193. keep - -sustain
194. kid - child
195. kill - murder
196. kind - benevolent
197. lazy - slothful
198. lazy - indolent
199. learn - memorize
200. lethal - deadly
List of Synonyms-2 101 to 200
Reviewed by Angel
8:39:00 PM
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