ANSWERS: 7 Stars Challenge-no.22 - English Grammar with Modal Auxiliary Verb MAY


May: Modal Auxiliary Verb

MCQ with Answers:

English Grammar:

Challenge-no.22 - English Grammar with Modal Auxiliary Verb MAY

1. May I come in, sir?

2. It is not certain. He may or may not join.

3. May god bless you!

4. It may rain as there are clouds in the sky.

5. May you live long!

6. ‘might’ is the past form of may .

7. Sir, may we go to play on the ground?

Best of Luck!
ANSWERS: 7 Stars Challenge-no.22 - English Grammar with Modal Auxiliary Verb MAY ANSWERS: 7 Stars Challenge-no.22 - English Grammar with Modal Auxiliary Verb MAY Reviewed by Angel on 9:28:00 PM Rating: 5

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