Personal Pronouns

Fill in the Blanks:

1. She loves .... very deeply . (I-me-my-mine)
2. He married ..... before a week. (she-her-hers)
3. I and .... are good friends. (he-him-his)
4. This is .... laptop. Where is ..... laptop? (you-your-my-mine-him)
5. ..... are passengers. This is .... luggage. (their-she-we-they-your)
6. Would you please help .... ? (we-us-our-ours)
7. That is a lion. That is .... den. (it-it's-its)
8. Rahul and Ranjan are friends. ..... parents are also good friends. (he-she-their's-their-they)
9. Look at ..... . I have put on new t-shirt. (him-her-me)
10. Wow ! see the moon. .... shining is so bright. (it's-its-her-him-it)

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Personal Pronouns Personal Pronouns Reviewed by Angel on 9:12:00 AM Rating: 5


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