Little - A little : Few - A few Practice

                   A.      "a little" or "a few"

                  ANSWERS with Gujarati DOWNLOAD

1.        …. money
2.       ….. rupees
3.       ….. love
4.       ….. water
5.       ….. computers
6.       ….. breakfast
7.       ….. people
8.       ….. mangoes
9.       ….. mango juice
10.   ….. answers
11.    ….. goods
12.    ….. rivers
13.    ….. work
14.    ….. alphabets
Little - A little : Few - A few Practice Little - A little : Few - A few Practice Reviewed by Angel on 5:05:00 AM Rating: 5


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. [6:28pm, 20/10/2014] Mb:
    A little
    A few
    A little
    A little
    A few
    A little
    A few
    A few
    A little
    A few
    A few
    A few
    A little
    A few
    A little

  3. 1 a little
    2 a few
    3 a little
    4 a little
    5 a few
    6 a little
    7 a little
    8 a few
    9 a little
    10 a few
    11 a few
    12 a little
    13 a little
    14 a few
    15 a little


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