If - Use of Conditional Conjunction ' if '

  • Here in this Article, you will lean the use of Conditional Conjunction ' IF '

If is used mainly in five kinds of sentences:

1. if + present tense, simple modals.
2. if + past tense, perfect modals,
3. if + past tense, simple modals(past form of modals)
4. if + were,
5. Imperative + if + present.

  • Now let's discuss in detail.
  • If + present/modal
  • Uses: if is used to show or indicate conditions.

1. If we eat clean food, we will/can remain healthy forever.
2. If you forgive, god will forgive you.
3. If Nancy invites me, I will attend her birthday party.
4. If Bob marries Julie, he will get a lots of property in dowry.
5. If you join Angel Class, you can learn English very systematically from beginning.

Sentence formation : If + Simple Present, modals + V-1(base verb).

  • If + past/modal

6. If Robinson Crusoe hadn't reached on the island, he would have died.
(Means: he reached and he survived)
7. If you had arrived in time, you could have met the PM. or Had you arrived in time, you could have met to the PM.
(Means: you didn't come in time and so you couldn't meet to the pm).
8. If she won the prize, she would give the party.

These kinds of sentences can be written in this way also.
  • If + were (Assumptions only)

1. If I were the principal !
2. If she were the CM !
3. If he were god !

Here is Video for If + Present Tense

Here is Video for If + had + PP-verb

Here is Video for If + were

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If - Use of Conditional Conjunction ' if ' If - Use of Conditional Conjunction ' if ' Reviewed by Angel on 9:50:00 PM Rating: 5

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