This & That - Demonstrative Pronouns

There are four Demonstrative Pronouns in English Language.

This, That, These & Those

Here, we are going to discuss about Singular Demonstrative Pronouns
This & That


This: (for 'near' object)

  1. This is a pen.
  2. This is my book.
  3. This is a board.
  4. This is your friend.
  5. This happens only in a year.
  6. This is not a black board.
  7. This isn't a school.
  8. This doesn't matter.
  9. This is January month.
  10. Is this leap year?
  11. This was not here yesterday.
  12. This will happen in future also.

  • When we are talking about any of single Person/Place/Thing/Animal/Bird/Matter/Time, and if it's nearby the speaker, the demonstrative 'this' is used to demonstrate that object.

That: (for 'far' object)
  1. That is a fan.
  2. That is the sky.
  3. That is a coconut tree.
  4. That is not a temple.
  5. That was not a stone.
  6. That was not your fault.
  7. That will not happen anymore.
  8. Is that a gate?
  9. Is that true?
  10. Was that a golden necklace?

  • When we are talking about any of single Person/Place/Thing/Animal/Bird/Matter/Time, and if it's far from the speaker, the demonstrative 'that' is used to demonstrate that object.

  • Translate the following sentences into your mother tongue.
1.      This is a book. That is a notebook.
2.      This is a pen. That is a pencil.
3.      This is water. That is petrol.
4.      This is my class. That is your class.
5.      This is not a laptop. That is not a monitor.
6.      This is a key board. That is calculator.
7.      This is Angel Class. That is Angel School.
8.      This is not a black board. That is not a white board.
9.      This is not a mouse. That is not a cat.
10.  This is not a shop. That is not an office.
11.  This is not a wall. That is not fence.
12.  This is a teacher. That is a student.
13.  This is a conductor. That is a driver.3
14.  This is a taxi. That is a cab.
15.  This is a bus. That is a train.
16.  That is the sky. That is the sun.
17.  This is true. That is wrong.
18.  This is my birthday. That was your birthday.
19.  This is milk. That is butter milk.
20.  This is a farm. That is a well.
21.  This is a pond. That is a lake.
22.  This is a river. That is a stream.
23.  This is a Hindi movie. That is an English movie.
24.  This is India. That is America.
25.  This is Gujarati. That is mathematics.
26.  This is a girls’ hostel. That is a boys’ hostel.
27.  This is a Punjabi girl. That is a bihari boy.
28.  This is a pop singer. That is a religious singer.
29.  This is a news paper. That is a general.
30.  This is a sparrow. That is a crow.
31.  This is not proper. That was real.
32.  This is a monument. That is a pole.
33.  This is the earth. That is the mars.
34.  This is a big ground. That is a small ground.
35.  This is a red code. That is blue code.
36.  This is a tall tree. That is a short tree.
37.  This is our garden. That is your garden.
38.  This is an SSC paper. That is a BCA paper.
39.  This is a green apple. That is a ripe apple.
40.  This is an orange. That is a banana.

By Kishan Rathod-(+91)8347262428
This & That - Demonstrative Pronouns This & That - Demonstrative Pronouns Reviewed by Angel on 5:30:00 AM Rating: 5

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